Product name: Ein. b 12240710405X | Product name: Ein. b 12240710405X |
Product number: 10064414876396 | Product number: 10064414876396 |
Store: Xiaotao Family Cleaning Exclusive Store | Store: Xiaotao Family Cleaning Exclusive Store |
Gross weight of product: 490.00g | Gross weight of product: 490.00g |
Origin: Chinese Mainland | Origin: Chinese Mainland |
Article number: 12240710405X | Article number: 12240710405X |
Category: Infant and toddler hand and mouth wipes | Category: Infant and toddler hand and mouth wipes |
Fragrance type: No fragrance type | Fragrance type: No fragrance type |
Packaging form: bagged with lid | Packaging form: bagged with lid |
Ingredients: Spunlaced non-woven fabric | Ingredients: Spunlaced non-woven fabric |
Domestic/Imported: Domestic | Domestic/Imported: Domestic |