Product name: EMXEE MX498215250 | Product name: EMXEE MX498215250 |
Product number: 10046630835076 | Product number: 10046630835076 |
Store: EMXEE Manxi Official Flagship Store | Store: EMXEE Manxi Official Flagship Store |
Gross weight of product: 1.0kg | Gross weight of product: 1.0kg |
Origin: Chinese Mainland | Origin: Chinese Mainland |
Product number: MX498215250 | Product number: MX498215250 |
Applicable gender: General | Applicable gender: General |
Fabric: Other | Fabric: Other |
Category: Blanket | Category: Blanket |
Applicable season: summer | Applicable season: summer |
Packaging form: combination packaging | Packaging form: combination packaging |
Safety category: Class A | Safety category: Class A |
Domestic/Imported: Domestic | Domestic/Imported: Domestic |